Vicki Jean Grossenbacher

From Lincoln, Nebraska
Born on January 18, 1953
Passed away on September 6, 2018.
Celebration of Life on Saturday, September 15, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. at First Plymouth Church, 20th and D Streets in Lincoln. Private graveside.
In lieu of flowers, memorials to the family for future designation.
Funeral Home assisting is Aspen Mortuary, 4822 Cleveland Avenue, Lincoln, NE 68504. To view an on-line obituary or email condolences please visit Aspen Mortuary’s website at
Condolences for Vicki Jean Grossenbacher
I’ve known Vicki since grade school and we lived just a couple of blocks apart in College View. She was always so full of life at the class reunions. She will certainly be missed. My sympathy to her family.
My experiences of Vicki have always been of Light Heartedness, one who loves life and that Life loves back. Vicki and I reconnected while I was in Lincoln moving my brother cross-Country. It was great to be in her presence during a difficult journey through radiation treatments as no one is ever friendless and alone. Though saddened by her transition, I am grateful to have counted on her and called her friend. Until we meet again, Happy Trails. Grateful, Linda Yost, LSE Class of’ 71
I was shocked to hear of Vicki’s passing. She had a good soul although sometimes she was misunderstood by me and others. May she find eternal peace. Larry R
we were so glad to become facebook friends in the last few years. will miss her laughing face and wild outfits.
Vicki was a wonderful free-spirited soul. I enjoyed her friendship in high school, and always enjoyed chatting with her at the reunions. She was a special lady and i feel strongly she impacted many folks with her positivity. My condolences to the family. Sometimes the really wonderful ones have to leave too soon; they’ve got all sorts of work to take up in the hereafter! Onward, Vicki!
Vicki, You were involved with so much in your life, and you touched so many lives along the way. You and I shared the same date for a birthday.
You were such a genuine person. I’m sure you will have plenty to do in heaven, but down here on earth, you will be missed. I send condolences to your family. Wish I lived closer so I could attend the celebration of life.
I’ve known Vicki all my life. We grew up on the same block and played together as kids, went to the same junior high and high school. We stayed in touch over the years whether it was emailing, talking on the phone, or meeting for coffee. She had such a passion for life and was always an optimist. She had the funniest most infectious laugh. I’ll miss her. Steve and Scott, she’ll always be in my heart.
Vicki was good people. Always inviting, welcoming, a fighter and champion for co-workers, the under dogs, those struggling with mental and physical health issues, those marginalized by life’s circumstances, a creative spirit, poet, dancer, choreographer, inspiring others to do better, be better, resourceful and giving and sharing of the little she had. She dearly loved her brothers, their kids and grandkids, her other family, cousins and friends, and sometimes during struggles, got misunderstood (as someone previously mentioned) and that got buried, but it was there, and deep rooted. I and many others will miss her. Blessings on her family.
My condolences. I always loved to run in to Vicki at various art and music events. She was so fun to talk to and so unique.
Gonna miss you Lady. Loved her all of my life through all of our schools together, and the later years before I moved out of state. Fly with the Angels!