Johnette Lilian Pickett

Johnette Lilian Kennedy Pickett passed away in her home in Lincoln, Nebraska on Saturday, September 16, 2017, surrounded by all four daughters, at the age of 77.
Born on April 4, 1940, to parents Don and Eleanor Kennedy, Johnny was number six of seven children. She grew up in Madison, Wisconsin, attended West High School, and then the University of Wisconsin. Johnny pledged Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in English & History in 1962.
Upon graduation, Johnny took a job in Chicago working for the Social Security Administration, where she was soon transferred to an SSA office in San Francisco.
Johnny loved San Francisco, where she met and fell in love with her husband, James (Jim) Pickett. The couple married and moved to Augsburg, Germany, where Jim was stationed in the U.S. Army.
Later, Johnny & Jim moved to his hometown of Lincoln, Nebraska where they raised their four daughters. She spent her early work life in childhood education and her later years in caring for patients at Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital. During her time in Lincoln, she developed many dear friends.
Johnny had a love for history, books, and politics and was a devoted lifelong learner. She enjoyed taking Olli classes upon retirement at the University of Nebraska, playing with grandchildren, watching great movies, and constantly reading.
Johnny is survived by sister Karen D’Orazio of Madison, Wisconsin, and by her daughters, Julie Petr of Indianapolis, Indiana, and Meg Damme, Betsy Jensen, and Kate Pickett of Lincoln, Nebraska, along with 9 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Johnny was preceded in death by ex-husband Jim Pickett, her parents, and five siblings, Thomas Kennedy, Josephine Toltzien, Phyllis Hays, Rita Levis, and Grover Kennedy.
Cremation. No visitation. A celebration of life will take place at Wilderness Ridge, 1800 Wilderness Woods Place, Lincoln, Nebraska from 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 23, 2017. Johnny’s ashes will be put to rest next to her parent’s grave site in Madison, Wisconsin, in July 2018.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Tabitha Foundation for the hospice care program in memory of Johnette Pickett.
Condolences for Johnette Lilian Pickett
I want to send my condolences to you girls with the death of your sweet Mother. Johnnie
babysat several years for my daughter and son, Annette and Roy Tucker. She had a way to command calm when it was necessary, and still allowed a lot of fun to happen. She was a great caretaker, and we became friends through the years.
I hadn’t seen Johnnie since she was an employee at Madonna Rehab Center…I think it was there. We had a long conversation in the hallway; it was so good to see her.
I’m glad all four of you were able to be with Johnnie as she died. It’s hard for you, but is one last thing you can do for your loved one. Annette and I lost her father and my husband, Dick, in January, 2000, and we lost Roy in May of 2014. Both had been ill for quite a while with heart problems and Polycystic Kidney Disease. They will always be with us in our hearts, as you will find also, about your Mom. It is true that your memories of the fun times spent together over the years will sustain you in your sorrow, and time does soften the hurt.
Yours very truly,
Chris Tucker Steele
I was sorry to hear of Johnette’s passing and send my sympathy to her family and friends. Remembering her brought first s smile and then laughter. My fondest memory is of getting together with friends at the big house on Jefferson St in MSN so she could teach us how to play canasta and listen to Teresa Brewer’s “music, music, music” over and over and over. What
great fun she was always thru our Blessed Sacrament and West High years together. I cherish my memories.