Paulette J. Murphy
Born on June 13, 1950.
Passed away on December 21, 2024.
No service information at this time.
To leave a condolence please use the form below.
Funeral Home assisting is Aspen Mortuary, 4822 Cleveland Avenue, Lincoln, NE 68504. To view an on-line obituary or email condolences please visit Aspen Mortuary’s website at
Condolences for Paulette J. Murphy
Memories and thoughts are plenty and Lincoln was our grandparents’ home as well. Peace and quietness follow this special family…. Breathe the air, calling it celestial, waking up in glory and calling it home.
Esther and David we are so sorry to hear this.
I loved your parents and your friendships as a kid. Our Sincere thoughts and prayers go out to you and all family and friends. Heaven can’t be here soon enough to see our loved ones for eternity next time. Love you Lynn